Written by Michael McKeever
Directed by Simon Levy
Produced by James Bennett, Deborah Culver, Stephen Sachs
Starring Bill Brochtrup, Tim Cummings, Jose Fernando, Ed Martin, and Jenny O’Hara
Michael McKeever’s witty, passionate, and deeply moving play takes an unflinching look at how we choose to tie the knot — or not. Daniel and Mitchell are the perfect couple. Perfect house, perfect friends — even a mother who wants them married. They’d have the perfect wedding too, except that Mitchell doesn’t believe in gay marriage. A turn of events puts their perfect life in jeopardy, and Mitchell is thrust into a future in which even his love may not be enough. Daniel’s Husband is a bold reflection on love, commitment, and family in our perilous new world.
DANIEL’S HUSBAND closed on July 28th
CRITICS’ CHOICE! – Los Angeles Times
CRITICS’ CHOICE! – Los Angeles Times – “AN ABSORBING PLAY ON SAME-SEX MARRIAGE… ‘Daniel’s Husband,’ A CERTIFIED SMALL-SCALE CROWD-PLEASER, is perhaps most moving in those moments it expands our understanding of family. The play, gaining strength from the intimacy of the Fountain Theatre and the general excellence of the production, begins in laughter, culminates in tears and leaves off in contemplation of the dangers in putting off for another day what matters most… skillful and intelligent… THE ACTORS, UNDER THE DIRECTION OF SIMON LEVY, ARE WONDERFUL.” – Charles McNulty
RAVE! – BroadwayWorld – “A PERFECT 10!…[an] ideal convergence of uniformly talent of talents – with witty, realistic, heart-rendering dialogue by playwright Michael McKeever; sturdy, even-paced directing by Simon Levy; first-rate technical elements; and A PITCH, PITCH-PERFECT CAST of five actors, each at the top of their individual games… May I suggest, that aside from all the laughing you probably will be doing, you might need something to wipe the tears from your eyes. Don’t wait to meet DANIEL’S HUSBAND and his marvelous cohorts!!!” — Gil Kaan
RAVE! – Cultural Weekly – “AS CLOSE TO PERFECT AS ONE MIGHT ENVISION. It is wrenching, it is real, it is flawlessly staged by Simon Levy and it is stirringly performed by a handpicked cast of pros. So complete is the integration of the performances that singling out any one of these actors seems unfair to the others… Levy’s production is a prototype of what real ensemble work should be and very much up to The Fountain’s highest standards.” — Sylvie Drake
RAVE! – Santa Monica Daily Press – “WELL, THE FOUNTAIN THEATRE HAS DONE IT AGAIN! It has mounted another play that is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. This one is exquisitely written by playwright Michael McKeever, meticulously directed by the Fountain’s own Producing Director, Simon Levy, and it features one of the finest ensemble casts to be seen currently in Los Angeles…or anywhere else, for that matter… A MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION that keeps the audience totally engaged, contemplating, perhaps, the very human issues that can challenge and overwhelm those whose lives are different from our own. Don’t miss it!” – Cynthia Citron
RAVE! – TicketHoldersLA – “A DYNAMIC CAST honed to razor-sharpness by director Simon Levy… Even though at first one might think Daniel’s Husband is going to be all about crème brulee and the issue of multigenerational relationships, those topics soon fade into dust and the last third of the play is guaranteed to leave you moved and emotionally exhausted, albeit in a gorgeously lyrical way… Brochtrup, O’Hara, and Levy’s knockout supporting players are uniformly exceptional and quite stunning throughout, turning on a dime from playing an updated version of Harold and Emory blowing out the birthday candles to ripping the heart out of anyone in attendance… Yet it is Cummings who, under the extremely passionate leadership of Levy, delivers one of the most indelible performances of a man in pain that anyone could possibly imagine, culminating in a harrowing confrontational scene between he and O’Hara that is the stuff awards are made to honor. It is simply THE PERFORMANCE OF A LIFETIME from an actor who, despite my once bashing him quite ruthlessly in a review at this same theatre, has given us a plethora of brilliant performances over the ensuing years… Levy’s direction is incredibly in tune to the rhythms of McKeever’s play, which in itself is SURELY DESTINED TO BE A CLASSIC IN THE ANNALS OF CONTEMPORARY GAY DRAMA. DeAnne Mallais’ impressively and elegantly appointed set is a welcome addition, as are the contributions of Levy’s crackerjack team of designers… I’m still not sure if my kinship with these characters is due to my own situation in life, but I suspect it’s more universal than that. Daniel’s Husband is a tribute to committing oneself to love and live, written by a splendid wordsmith and assayed by a brilliant team of designers and players who tenderly make a plea for us all to be kinder and more conscientious of our place in the world if we care enough to try to leave it a better place.” – Michael Travis Holder
RAVE! – Talkin’ Broadway – “THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PREMIERE AT THE FOUNTAIN THEATRE SERVES THE PLAY BRILLIANTLY AND FEATURES A SUPERB CAST… It’s always a nice moment when a work of art surprises me in a positive way. It reminds me of one of the reasons I love theater in the first place: the primal pull of story. It’s the delight of seeing something new when one was expecting something else… Cummings is great as Mitchell… Brochtrup is terrific as Daniel… O’Hara excels as Lydia… Martin delivers wry humor and quiet kindness as Barry… McKeever has a skill with humorous turns of phrase… The dramatic scenes are the most memorable, however, and McKeever successfully creates strong emotional moments while creating an intriguing discussion about gay marriage and legal issues… Director Simon Levy gets excellent, subtle work from his cast, and benefits significantly from DeAnne Millais’ elegant living room set… The Fountain Theatre has created a very fine production of Daniel’s Husband, a lovely surprise that local theater-lovers should seek out.” – Terry Morgan
RAVE! – Discover Hollywood Magazine – “THE ACTORS HAD A REMARKABLE SCRIPT TO WORK WITH. There was nothing that didn’t ring true. All the dialogue seemed real and was an extraordinary match with the actors…. And the ending was very very touching…. The show is very relatable… At the show’s center is the portrayal of a realistic long-time couple (the amazing Bill Brochtrup and Tim Cummings) who are committed and devoted to each other — just not legally married. They give us a gift — a chance to experience their loving, intimate, yet masculine, relationship… To the well-deserved credit of the writer (Michael McKeever) and director (Simon Levy), THIS IS A SHOW THAT WILL LEAVE AUDIENCES GRATEFUL FOR THE TIME THEY SPENT TOGETHER.” – Bill Garry (in conversation with Michael Breitner)
RAVE! – OnStageLosAngeles – “THE ABSOLUTE BEAUTY of McKeever’s story rings true in a human way, a personal and loving way… Simon Levy’s fluid direction is subtle, allowing the progress of each of the characters room for revelations that must be indicated in McKeever’s script, but enhanced by the craft of each one of the actors… DeAnne Mallais’s beautiful set enhanced by perfect lights by Jennifer Edwards and Peter Baynes’s complementary sound completes the picture. The ultimate message must give pause to each of us, of any orientation, that Love is the Answer, but not always the answer that we may expect nor expect to have to live with.” – Michael Sheehan
RAVE! – BillyMasters.com – “I’m sure it says something about the Fountain Theatre that they snagged the rights to this play so quickly after its off-Broadway run. And with a TRULY EXCEPTIONAL CAST led by Brochtrup, I’m not surprised. The play poses this question – just because gay people can get married and be like “everybody else”, should they? Either way, what are the consequences? The Fountain Theatre’s production is ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING – on the off nights, they could make a fortune renting it out as an AirBnB. The performances are exceptional – not a weak link in the bunch. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this timely and provocative play if you’re in the area.” – Billy Masters
RAVE! – Culver City News – “PERFECTLY SCRIPTED, ACTED AND DIRECTED by this brilliant team… Jenny O’Hara lights up the stage… the skill of these four actors in presenting honest and truthful characters, and Simon Levy’s skill at keeping them intertwining with each other as the conversation switches sides, will have you looking at your own behavior in relationships with piercing insight… BE PREPARED TO BE AMAZED… And walk away in awe of this outstanding production sure to be a hit at next year’s Ovation Awards.” – Shari Barrett
RAVE! – San Diego Jewish Times/Carol’s Theatre Reviews – “TWO THUMBS UP!… Director Simon Levy and his top-notch ensemble bring out the good, the bad and the ugly of each of the five characters… CUMMINGS GIVES US A PERFORMANCE OF A LIFETIME… There is no doubt that the entire cast is completely and emotionally invested in this production. True emotions that run this deep can’t be phoned in. While I can’t speak to my fellow playgoers, yours truly left a little teary eyed knowing what heartbreak lies ahead for all involved… And the answer to your question: Yes it was well worth the drive [from San Diego].” – Carol Davis
RAVE! – ShowMag.com – “This is a play that RESONATES LONG AFTER THE FINAL MOMENTS… A largely domestic comedy with tragic overtones, the story gains its resonance from the interactions among the characters as they grapple with life and its surprises… Thanks to the fine production, this night of theater stimulates discussion and debate… Brochtrup and Cummings make their relationship believable, sympathetic, and complex. O’Hara makes a compelling case for her interference, and her portrait of the mother is subtle and nuanced. Martin and Fernando’s characterizations normalize what could be too melodramatic if focused solely on the crisis. They interject as friends who have a role to play as tragedy strikes, and they must look on. Both handle their parts with just the right sense of support… Director Simon Levy skillfully provides a balanced and evenhanded touch at the lighthearted and charming outset, but when Daniel’s fate has to be decided, he gives the actors space to explore the realism of the situation with empathy and believability. His emphasis on the multi-dimensional nature of the characters adds to the thoughtful import of the story.” – Melinda Schupmann
RAVE! – Hollywood Revealed – “A DELIGHT… AN EXCITING PIECE OF QUALITY THEATRE… will send you running to the historic Fountain Theatre in Hollywood to see a superior drama… Solidly directed by Simon Levy, with EXCELLENT CASTING, this ninety-minute play flies by in an instant… Director Levy makes sure the actors reach their emotional goals, and every one of them makes the most of their moments. Watching the four middle-aged actors not over-or under-play their characters’ wants and needs is a joy to behold… What works so well in this well-crafted, small-set drama is the balance McKeever shows in his characters: Lydia is no villain and Mitchell has a strong point. So the vivid setup works like gangbusters and THE PLAYWRIGHT HAS A HIT PLAY in his satchel.” – Dale Reynolds
RAVE! – San Diego Gay and Lesbian News – “CLEVER, CHARMING, AND FUNNY… There are lots of clever and just plain funny plays out there, but “Daniel’s Husband” keeps your attention thanks to sharply written characters and TERRIFIC ACTORS who bring them to vibrant life… These are all folks I’d love to have dinner with. They’re bright, funny and delightful to be around… Kudos to director Simon Levy for setting the right tone. Special mention to DeAnne Millais for the beautiful set, and to Jennifer Edwards, Peter Bayne and Michael Mullen for their excellent lighting, sound and costume designs. “Daniel’s Husband” is a fine play with something to say, and excellently performed.” – Jean Lowerison
People’s World – “I LOVE THE FOUNTAIN THEATRE… I was one of those at the end of those 90 minutes (no intermission) proud to give it a much deserved standing ovation… McKeever’s dialogue is crisp and timely, campy and humorous too, revelatory of the comfortable lifestyle two accomplished professionals, an architect and a writer, have created for themselves. LEVY HAS CAST THE PLAY PERFECTLY and organized the characters’ interrelationships most convincingly… the play is so well acted, and the theme is so important, that it does deserve to be seen.” – Eric A. Gordon
KCRW 89.9FM – “GO SEE ‘DANIEL’S HUSBAND’… The reason to see ‘Daniel’s Husband is the cast… THESE ARE SOME OF THE FINEST ACTORS IN L.A. …. the kind of acting that makes small intimate theater special… you’re not going to see a cast this good in a space this small in other cities… ENJOY THESE ACTORS!” — Anthony Byrnes
RAVE! – Will Call for Theater – “If you are not moved by this EXQUISITELY WRITTEN, SUPERBLY DIRECTED AND EXCELLENTLY PERFORMED work by the entire cast, your heart is frozen somewhere up in Antarctica.” — Ingrid Wilmot
RAVE! – CurtainUp – “RIVETING… RELEVANT AND ENGAGING… Levy also scored a significant coup by reuniting Bill Brochtrup and Tim Cummings, who previously appeared in his 2013 production of Larry Kramer’s The Normal Heart. They and the other three players are superb… utterly compelling to watch… you can credit McKeever for having written a play that is as much about people as it is about ideas.” – Evan Henerson
RAVE! – Los Angeles Post – ““TREMENDOUSLY ENTERTAINING AND WELL-WRITTEN… The cast is impeccable, as is Mr. Levy’s direction… A TERRIFIC SHOW.” — Dan Berkowitz
RAVE! – Larchmont Chronicle – “FIVE STARS!… Everyone in this cast is at the top of their game and director Simon Levy keeps the comedic pace and rhythm of the piece on the mark. The end of the play is a four-to-five-hankie event.” — Patricia Foster Rye
RAVE! – Haines His Way – “FIVE STARS!… A MOVING PIECE OF THEATRE… McKeever has written an intelligent and thought-provoking play and director Simon Levy has expertly guided his STELLAR CAST through it. They deliver the comedy as well as the drama that is deftly exposed as the play progresses. Brochtrup and Cummings create a dynamic couple and their deep love and respect is skillfully shown. Martin provides a lot of the humor as the aging playboy while Fernando brings delightfully boyish charm and enthusiasm to his role. O’Hara commands the stage as usual, creating a concerned mother and not a monster. This quintet of actors work beautifully to create a moving piece of theatre. If you appreciate theatre that entertains you as well as makes you think, DON’T MISS DANIEL’S HUSBAND.” — Rob Stevens
RAVE! – StageSceneLA – “WOW!… NOT TO BE MISSED… Reuniting Cummings and Brochtrup from the Fountain’s 2013 LADCC Award-winning Best Revival production of Larry Kramer’s The Normal Heart’s proves just one of Simon Levy’s strokes of directorial genius… Daniel and Mitchell have been together for seven years. One of them wants to tie the knot. The other does not. And that’s about all you need to know before making a beeline for the Fountain Theatre to savor Michael McKeever’s laugh-out-loud-then-get-out-your-hankies stunner Daniel’s Husband… Suffice it to say that if Daniel’s Husband’s has been equal parts charming and conversation-sparking throughout its first hour, it suddenly morphs into something considerably more heart-wrenching and profound, and the year’s most powerful defense of marriage, gay or straight… GUARANTEED TO LEAVE YOU PROFOUNDLY TOUCHED AND MOVED.” – Steven Stanley
RAVE! – Los Angeles Blade – “MUST SEE THEATRE… sparkling dialogue, layered and loving characterizations, and even-handed treatment of the issues… beautiful performances… This Los Angeles premiere production drives home its points without equivocation, but what makes it must-see theatre is that it does so without losing sight of the love story at its core.” — John Paul King
TOP RATED! – TheatreInLA – Top-Rated Shows in L.A.

Los Angeles Times – “Homophobic Slur…” – July 6, 2019
Better Lemons – Audio Interview with Cast, Opening Night – May 4, 2019
Los Angeles Times – 99-Seat Beat – May 3, 2019
Time Out Los Angeles – 5 Must-See Productions – May 3, 2019
Blade Los Angeles – Interview with Bill Brochtrup and Tim Cummings – May 2, 2019
Beverly Press/Park La Brea News – Featured/Calendar Pick, page 2 – May 2, 2019
RAGE Magazine – Interview with Bill Brochtrup, Tim Cummings, and Simon Levy – April 30, 2019
The Pride – Interview with Bill Brochtrup and Tim Cummings – April 29, 2019
KPFK – IMRU – Interview with Bill Brochtrup and Tim Cummings – April 29, 2019
Cultural Attache – Show Announcement – April 29, 2019
Featured in Los Angeles Times Spring Preview